Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS, is more and more common now days. I see clients all the time with it. Its not nice to live with and can be resolved.

Did you know that 70% of IBS cases are actually SIBO?

This is currently frequently missed by the much of medical profession as they are not informed.

SIBO is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

This is when the bacteria that usually live in your large bowel proliferate into the small bowel.

A study by the American Journal of Gastroenterology found that 66% of patients who had Celiac disease but followed a gluten-free diet still tested positive for SIBO.

SIBO can be tested, in a breath test.  I also can get an idea if someone has it by taking a case history study and looking at their blood. And I find many of these clients also have intestinal permeability or leaky gut. You can read more about this here Leaky gut and the gut brain connection

Many case are post infectious – this is after a bout of food poisoning or gastro. This can have an auto immune component . The bacteria from the infection cause the immune system to affect the ‘MMC’ – migrating motor complex and the gut transit time. This means you are left with the annoying and inconvenient symptoms that SIBO causes – including bloating, constipation and diarrhoea. I

t’s a bit tricky to treat but can be resolved with the right support

Some Symptoms of SIBO include-

⭐️Bloating after eating

⭐️Feeling of fullness after eating a small amount







⭐️Skin issues such as eczema and rosacea



SIBO needs a specific care to resolve and It is sometimes tricky to treat and can be resolved, if you know how!

It takes more than diet (and more than a FODMAP diet – there are more ‘SIBO specific diets’ out there) and some great supplements and gut brain connection techniques to get people feeling great again!

I have successfully treated clients (and myself) for IBS and SIBO, so know that you do no need to suffer! Please get in contact  here if you would like to ask any question or need my help!


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